Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and Punctuality
As a Church of England school, we want each child to flourish academically and to realise their potential, so that they can have ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). High levels of attendance and excellent punctuality are needed so that students can take full advantage of the educational opportunities available. We are committed to providing a welcoming and caring school environment so that each member of the school feels safe and supported. Strong partnerships with parents and carers are essential in ensuring our aims are achieved.
The School and the Aquinas Advisory Council recognise the statutory obligations governing the registration of pupils in accordance with the working together to improve school attendance legislation from the Department for Education (DfE).
Absence Procedures
Parents/carers are required to contact the School on the first day of student absence before 8:30am, where possible, and each day of absence after this. Absence or lateness must be reported in one of three ways, always stating student name, year group and reasons for absence or specific symptoms if ill:
- Completing our online Absence Form available on the School website homepage
- Leaving a voicemail on our Absence Line: 020 8315 8148
- Sending an email to our Attendance Team:
If no contact is received, the Attendance Team will send an absent message to primary guardians confirming that the student has not registered at school and to immediately provide the reason for this absence. If no subsequent contact is received, first day calling will commence and our safeguarding team and Education Welfare Officer (EWO) will be notified if necessary.
Parents/carers are requested, wherever possible, to arrange any leave of absence within the school holiday periods and not during term time. The Department of Education provides legislation to schools which states that the Head Teacher may not authorise any holiday during term time (working together to improve school attendance).
In exceptional circumstances, requests should to be made using this Exceptional Leave Request form with full details of the intended dates of the absence and your exceptional reasons for making this request. This will be sent to the Head Teacher for consideration and the outcome will be shared with the parent/carer in advance of the intended dates. In normal circumstances, these requests should be sent at least 3 weeks in advance of the intended leave.
Monitoring of Punctuality
Morning registration is taken at 8.30am. We expect all students to be in class at this time.
Students that are late before 9.30am must arrive in school by the late desk gate and sign-in on the late screen before going to lesson. Their late marks will be written onto their attendance record, administered by the Attendance Team, and any lateness will be challenged. Where there is a legitimate reason, for example unavoidable transport problems and the parent/carer contacts the School, then no further action is required. When there is no good reason, for example oversleeping, this will be recorded as late and students will be considered for sanctions, such as a lunchtime workshop.
All School gates are locked at 9.30am except the main entrance. Students that are late after 9.30am must arrive in school by the Main Reception and sign-in on the late screen before going to lesson. Their late marks will be written onto their attendance record, administered by the Attendance Team. Students arriving after 9am (roll call) will be marked as an unauthorised absence (U mark) for the AM session. Pupils who are continually late after the register closes will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) and parents may be issued with a Penalty Warning Notice.
Attendence and Punctuality Policy
To contact our Attendance Manager, Mrs Yvonne Line please email: