Quality in Careers Standard Award 2024

We are delighted to announce that on 16th May 2024 Bishop Justus Church of England School was awarded The Quality in Careers Standard in recognition of our excellent programme of Careers Education and Guidance. The school has demonstrated commitment to providing outstanding provision for career learning and preparing students for their future. The award accredited by CSW Investor in Careers was graded as ‘fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks’.
The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school.
The assessor acknowledged the strong careers provision at Bishop Justus Church of England School and commended the school for having:
- A strong Senior Management and Link AAC (Governor) support and a whole school approach to CEIAG.
- A very committed, experienced and well-organised Guidance Manager/Careers Leader, who engages well with other members of staff to deliver a comprehensive CEIAG programme and is highly valued by students, teachers, parents/carers and external partners.
- Excellent documentation for CEIAG, including the provision of very detailed evidence for the Investor in Careers reassessment.
- A very comprehensive careers section on the school website.
- A commitment to evaluation and continuous improvement.
The school supports, promotes and endorses quality careers education. We acknowledge the part it plays in the overall success of the school and students. A range of activities are offered to students to introduce them to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after school. This includes, impartial and confidential careers education and guidance, work related learning activities and experiences, a careers programme that promotes equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism, information about all routes and pathways at post 14, post 16 and post 18.
We are happy to have been honoured a third time for the career guidance services and activities we offer our students to assist them make educational, training and occupational choices, manage their careers and reach their potential. You can find out more about Bishop Justus Careers Programme & students' Career Journeys here
For more information please follow the links below.
Award Certificate 2024
Full Award Congratulations
Assessment Report May 2024
Gatsby Benchmarks
The aim of the school is to provide our students with information, advice and guidance on the full range of opportunities available to them as they progress through their education. Through PSHE lessons, our careers education tutorial programme, dedicated non-timetable days and a diverse range of extra-curricular opportunities, students will have the capacity to explore their future ambitions. We intend to achieve all the demands of the ‘Gatsby benchmarks’, including enhancing student encounters with workplace employers, to deliver an excellent programme to support the aspirations of our young people.
Key Information
The school uses the Gatsby benchmarks as the basis of our CEIAG provision. To find out more about the benchmarks go to:
The careers programme is designed to provide a coherent platform for students to explore their aspirations.
Careers Overview
Students can access further support by visiting our Guidance Manager in Room F323. Parents/carers and employers can find out further information by contacting the lead in Careers in school who is Mrs Chamberlain, Guidance Manager emailing Mrs Chamberlain or by calling 0208 315 8130.
Our aim is to raise the aspirations of our students and provide them with the knowledge and skills to develop their own career paths. Our success in achieving this aim is measured by student voice, employer feedback and the destination data we collate in school.
The careers programme is reviewed on an annual basis in consultation with students, tutors and our linked Governor (AAC Member) and Enterprise Adviser with the intention of enhancing our provision year upon year.
For more information regarding the Sixth Form experience go to the Sixth Form Page.
Please click here for Careers Journey for Year 7 to 13
Further Information
For Students
For Parents/Carers
For Employers
Useful Links
Unifrog is available to all Bishop Justus Church of England School students to help with their career planning, giving opportunities to explore develop and maximise potential. To find out more please click this video link: What is Unifrog? We have also set up a parent login so that you can use Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to truly support your child. The sign-up code you need is: JUHZFAMILY and you can sign up here: www.unifrog.org/code. For more information, go to www.unifrog.org or contact Mrs Chamberlain or your child’s Form Tutor.
You can use the Careerometer below to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers.
Labour Market Information
Quality Assurance
The school is committed to providing CPD opportunities for the Careers Leader and other staff on an ongoing basis. Regular meetings take place with the school’s Enterprise Coordinator to ensure a strong careers programme which meets the criteria of Gatsby Benchmarks and Government’s Statutory Guidance. This combined with pupil voice, parent and external provider feedback ensures that the careers programme at Bishop Justus is robust and caters for the needs of all students. We hold the Quality in Careers Standard Award and are currently working for towards reaccreditation in 2022/23.
Reviews take place with the Enterprise Coordinator and Enterprise Adviser. Reviews are also conducted between the Careers leader, SLT and the governing body (Aquinas Advisory Board Life of the School Committee) student feedback plus evaluations for all year groups after careers related events/activities.
The Careers Leader conducts an annual careers audit for curriculum subjects. Careers Education is monitored and evaluated through careers tutorial time and PHSE programme as well.
There is an annual review of the Year 12 Work Experience Programme to the evaluate how relevant placements have been in relation to the students’ careers plans and the quality of these experiences.
All destinations of year 11,12 and 13 students are collated by the Careers leader and School’s Sixth Form Administrator. The Sixth Form Administrator collaborates with staff from the local authority to ensure students at risk of being NEET are supported. The Careers Leader, tutors and the Sixth Form Administrator monitor the destinations of school leavers for 3 years after they leave.
Careers Entitlement
All students at Bishop Justus Church of England School will:
Take part in a careers programme in Years 7-13 that helps them to:
- Understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities
- Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression
- Access relevant information and learning through participation in the range of activities provided in house and external visits
- Make and maintain individual progression plans to help them improve their prospects of success
- Offer feedback and ideas of how to improve the careers programme
Have access to and support with using careers information that is:
- Easy to find and available at convenient times and in convenient locations including our online packages: Morrisby and Unifrog and other careers platforms.
- Clearly labelled, referenced and comprehensive, giving details of all progression opportunities and associated support arrangements such as financial help
- Unbiased and up to date
Obtain careers guidance that is:
- Impartial
- Confidential
- Focused on individual needs and fit for purpose
- Supportive of equal opportunities
- Provided by people with relevant training and expertise
Useful Websites for Careers Advice and Guidance
Use the links below to help you make an informed decision about your Career.
- Want to find out about Careers and up to date Labor Market Information (LMI) Click Here!
- Free Careers Advice and Guidance at Pure Potential
- Need advice? Register @ My2Be to joing the online mentoring network.
- Find out more about apprenticeships.
- Research STEM Careers @ Futuremorph.
- The National Careers Service
- Up to date University Information
- Don't want to go to University? Have a look at Alternative Routes
- Aspiring Medic? Join the Medical Portal
- Get great advice @ My Kinda Future
- Barclays has set up Barclays Life Skills, aimed at helping young people with the skills they need to go forward into work.
- Aspiring Law Student? Why not register with the Student Lawyer
- Start is a free, online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential. Click here to register!
- Interested in becoming a web developer? Find out more here about what it entails.
- What Career Live- has lots of advice and guidance for students and parents.
- Careers Advice from The Telegraph.
- Aspiring Medic? Register with Medic Mentors now to find out about all the different support they offer.
- Interested in a Career in Journalism? Click here to find out more.
- University Compare Website; A comprehensive university comparison site, offering students resources, tools, student discounts and university stats and rankings. Click here to find out more.